Home and G'day, Aussie teachers head this way to work in the Medway Towns When given the option of pizza in the Mediterranean or sipping a pint in the Ship and Trade, it was an easy choice for a group of Australian teachers. As part of a recruitment drive, chief executive of the Greenacre Academy Trust, Andrew Reese, went Down Under to talk to trainee teachers and, despite having the pick of Europe, several chose to come to Medway and work for him. In fact, eight from the University of Monash in Melbourne are now working within the trust and 18 trainees carried out work experience last November. Teachers from Melbourne who are keen to start work at the Greenacre Academy Trust According to Robyn Johnstone, chief executive of the Education Placement Group and Supply Desk, many more are keen to follow in their footsteps. She said: “The Australian trainees are given the option of work experience in schools pretty much anywhere in the world but European destinations usually come top of their list. “They were blown away by their experiences, being welcomed and mentored by the teaching staff and especially the pioneering work that is being done. The Skills for Life programme is so inspiring and I’m sure they will all take what they’ve learnt and experienced into their own teaching practices.We now have a huge demand for places at the Trust and Medway is definitely at the top of everyone’s list.” The trust prides itself on its Skills for Life scheme which is a programme that makes sure students are ready for the world of work. Mr Reese said: “As all head teachers will acknowledge, we have a recruitment crisis in the UK and this was a very unique and possibly pioneering way of recruiting new teachers into the UK school system. "I think we are a progressive and forward thinking trust giving opportunities not just to a significant number of trainees but also to trust staff in regards to the mentoring of the trainees and to the trust’s pupils who have been enriched by the activities set out for them by our Australian friends.” Greenacre Academy Trust runs five schools across Medway.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.kentonline.co.uk/medway/news/aussie-teachers-arrive-at-schools-185048/
A Basic Overview Of Primary Issues Of
She apparently didn't care the store could blow up at any second. "This story takes place about 14 years ago when I was working at a medium-sized clothing store in a small outlet mall. One of the stores connected to ours was undergoing renovations when a gas line was somehow broken by construction workers forcing the entire complex to evacuate. I was in the back sorting through piles of new stock when an announcement came over the intercom, "Code Red. There has been a gas leak and we need all associates and customers to leave the building immediately through the front doors or nearest emergency exit." I started heading towards the front exit and was halfway out when I saw a lady standing at the fitting rooms looking impatient. I assumed she somehow had missed the announcement (and fire alarms) and walked over to tell her she needed to get out. Before I got a word out she turned to me glaring. Lady: 'Why isn't there anyone here to open the changing room doors!' Me: 'Sorry ma'am there's been a gas leak. We need to evacuate the store immediately.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.thisisinsider.com/work-horror-stories-reddit-2018-5
An Updated Introduction To Reasonable Plans In
“Long-distance relationships that are going to stand the test of time need a plan to end the distance at some point.” While long-distance love can be a great thing for a finite time, eventually you probably want to be in the same place as your partner. It helps both parties to know when that will happen. “It’s hard being apart, so you both have to be equally committed to the relationship and be on the same page about how long this situation will last, and what the plan is for eventually living in the same place,” says Gottlieb. Do Stuff Together Even Though You’re Apart Just because you aren’t physically in the same place doesn’t mean you can’t have fun together. “Plan a movie night together via Skype where you can watch the same movie even when you’re in different places,” suggests Gandhi. Netflix, or other streaming services, makes it easier than ever to binge-watch shows with your partner . Gandhi also recommends doing online quizzes or games together, and discussing the results to spark new and interesting conversations. Delight in the details of what the two of you will do the next time you see each other. “ Plan your next weekend together . Make it a ritual to talk about the fun things you’ll do together. Maybe you can decide that every night you’re together, you’ll try new restaurants instead of going to the same places,” says Gandhi.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://time.com/5316307/best-long-distance-relationship-tips-experts/
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